Friendship Puzzler #721: Your friend tells you to stop making that weird noise. You should:

  1. Gently stroke your friend’s nose.
  2. Yell, “Quit bullying me!”
  3. Do it louder, eight more times, so your friend can tell how funny it is.
  4. Say, “Sorry!” and try to be quiet.

Answer: d — When friends ask you to stop doing something that they find annoying, you should try to stop. You may need to sit on your hands, pretend your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth, or just move farther away to give them some space. It’s not bullying when people ask you to stop annoying behavior. If something isn’t funny the first time, it’s not going to become funny if you repeat it. Also, if you continue doing something that your friends have asked you to stop, they will probably get very mad at you. Listening when people ask you to stop shows you care about them.